Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I started Pythoning!!

Since last two months, I was busy with my summer course work. But during research I found that many people have praised "Python language" . I came across the Google employees' review. They say,"In Google everything is Python". Thus , I was so curious about it and went to python site.

I start reading & learning python. In fact, i start programming using Python. I must say that python indeed is the Master of all languages.

1. You never need to declare the variable before use. just go ahead and use it.Python will take care of it
and store it in particular data types based on your usage.
2. Power of indentation , this has removed use of parenthesis most of the time.
3. A very intelligent interpreter, so no need to compile. Just port your python source code to any machine
and execute it.
4. You can write C/C++ codes and attach those with python as modules.
5. Extensive libraries , covered thousands of functions for general usage.
6. Most important is that, Python is very easy to learn. You can easily understand code by just reading the code .

" If you are new in programming world, I would say
1. Learn C ,mainly Pointers, array, structure , list ( Compiling, Assembling, preprocessors, macros and
linking are the most important concept besides only writing programs)
2. Then Once you understand how the C make everything possible in Computer, Jump to Python. A very
interactive and easiest way to programming and scripting.

Those who been in the programming since long, will must take a look at python. The best way to learn is compare, what python have different than the language you are using currently. Jot down these differences. I insure you that after this you will definitely remember the construct used in python, and Once you start programming in Python eventually you ll know its Power.


Jigar said...

I am eager to look at this language. Just tell me from which website I can start.

As per your writing it sounds like Python is pretty much like ECMA Script standard. What this standard spacifies is that you are not required to give the data type of the variable. Interpreture will handle it as in whatever contaxt or nature, it has been used in program.

It looks like you are jumping on to explore programming languages after mining OS in so much of depth. I had read some of the blogs regarding linux. It was really great. Hey my first RPM is perfactly installed. It has been installed over around 100 sites.

maulik13 said...

Sounds really cool, I have heard people using python a lot. Never knew was a google fav as well.

Dave said...

Jigar, You can go to www.python.org This is the official site for python. It contains numerous tutorials for beginners to advanced programmers.

The most imp is that you can use python as scripting language whether it would be web scripting or system script files.

Also do visit wikiboks for python free books.

Jigar said...

Sure man. Thank you very much for the information

Dave said...

You welcome jigar